Dreaming in Colour

Exploring life's dichotomies, where the warmth and imagination of childhood blends
with the complexity and nuance of our present experience.

Between Inflated Dreams & Whispered Memories

I draw because I have always been compelled to. It feels child-like and innately human as a form of expression—simple, innocent, uninhibited.There is a pleasure that comes from the spontaneity and freedom it allows, yet it can also be controlled, meticulous, and precise, bridging the rational world with the curious depths of the subconscious.

The vibrant dreamscapes that emerge in my coloured pencil and oil stick drawings blur the line between the ephemeral and the eternal, the natural and the artificial. Soft structures, occasionally ostentatious, hold a sense of intimacy beneath an expansive sky. Do these spaces depict a refuge? A womb? A portal? An escape into the future or perhaps the past— somewhere between inflated dreams and whispered memories .

Grounded in my present-day experiences of motherhood on the Portuguese coast and the fragmented nostalgia of my childhood memories in Australia and Greece, I explore how we navigate our polarised world and the constructed realities of our digital lives. My work fosters a nuanced understanding of the collective experience, inviting viewers into a quiet space of introspection.


Available as Open Edition Art Prints
  • Artist and Mother

    Born in Sydney and anchored in her Aegean heritage, Kareena has discovered a refreshing muse in Lisbon's colourful streets. Her creative journey, which began with a foundation in illustration and design, has unfurled into a multidisciplinary practice that's both deeply personal and continuously evolving.

    Kareena champions the idea that art serves as a facilitator of connection and freedom, an ethos evident in the pieces she creates. Using coloured pencils, she captures the spectrum of the human experience — from moments of introspection to broader narratives, from the tangible to the ethereal.

Mentoring and Workshops

Supporting young artists and facilitating creative workshops.

Exhibitions and Live Events

Where you can see my work in the wild.



A curated selection of my past works.
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